Sunday, 8 May 2011

Welcome to our blog

Welcome to Elite Training Camp Blog.

Elite Training Camp is the new concept of fitness center. We pride ourself as one of the biggest martial art center in Indonesia.

We understand that currently Indonesian people are becoming more health conscious, however we also know that they are maybe too lazy to go to the gym and train without any guidance or bored doing the same gym routine. Elite offers various martial art classes, cardio classes and strength-conditioning classes which are fun and will definitely make you sweat. All of our classes are for men and women from all ages, and divided based on the level of endurance and skill.

Elite is a friendly place where everyone knows your name. Our Elite facility is always clean and well organised. We have very well experienced and skilled trainers who will properly train you with passion and safety as their main concern.

Our true goals are to help you get into the best shape of your life; teach you self-defense; and be a place you call home. So… What you waiting for?? Come check us out and get your FREE trial class.